Your password has expired. Please update your password by changing it now.
Your account has been locked. Please wait {{accountUnlockTime}} minutes few moments for the account to unlock and try logging in again. If you need additional assistance accessing your account please contact the IT Help Desk at 570-408-4357 or 1-866-264-1462
Your account has been disabled. Please contact the IT Help Desk at 570-408-4357 or 1-866-264-1462.
Your account has been expired. Please contact your helpdesk.
Invalid username or password.
You need to setup your account first, click here to setup your account.
Your password will expire in {{ daysTillPwdExpire }} days. {{pwdExpireNotificationMsg }} Click here to update your password.
It has been {{ daysWhenLastUpdated }} days since you updated your account recovery settings. {{accountRecoveryNotificationMsg }} Click here to update your settings.
Your account recovery settings have been modified. {{tenantModificationRecoveryNotificationMsg }} Click here to update your settings.